
The Sneaky Way You Rob Yourself of Life's Blessings Every Day

The Sneaky Way You Rob Yourself of Life's Blessings Every Day

The boat approached a small, emerald island jutting out of deep blue waters and we finally got a glimpse of our paradise for the next 7 days. The surroundings were surreal - so stunningly beautiful that they seemed plucked out of a movie (indeed they were… the movie The Beach was filmed in the area).

Then we saw it... Tucked into a small cove flanked by soaring limestone cliffs was the resort where our beachfront bungalow awaited us on Lagen Island in the Philippines. My heart leapt in my chest with excitement!

Finally… I could relax and let all of the stress of the past weeks go. We’d arrived at the the family vacation destination of our dreams despite all of the hurdles life had been throwing at us, all of which come with the territory when you’re a parent: the seemingly endless doctors visits and countless sleepless nights when your child is sick. Being able to go on this vacation at all was a true gift... one I could've easily robbed myself of if I hadn't shifted my perspective.

How to Know which Big Dreams and Goals to Act on Now

How to Know which Big Dreams and Goals to Act on Now

You’re overflowing with big dreams and ideas for your business (and life)... and that can get in the way of your success. Here’s the problem: Too often the most amazing, brilliant, I’m-making-a-real difference-in-the-world entrepreneurs struggle in their businesses because they’re pursuing too many dreams and goals at the same time

In this article I share the simple steps to knowing which of your dreams and goals you should act on right now. 

Why Size Matters

Why Size Matters

Guys, I’m here to tell you, size ALWAYS matters! Just to clarify, I’m talking about the passionate and purposeful “why” for being in business and the “why” that drives you to go after your dreams… as in, “Why Size” Matters. (wink)

Why do big, passionate and purposeful whys matter so much? Your “whys” play a major role in influencing whether your business thrives or fails and whether as an enterprising entrepreneur you persevere or give up. Passionate and purposeful why represent your emotional drivers, which are always more powerful than logical drivers. When you have an emotional attachment to a process or an outcome, you’re much more likely to go the extra mile and not only get to the finish line but run through it with gusto

Create a Life You Love Using Divine Guidance & Inner Wisdom

Create a Life You Love Using Divine Guidance & Inner Wisdom

Call it Higher Self, your Inner Guide, Divine Guidance, Angels, Spirit, God or whatever you will, but I believe we do receive spirit-centered guidance that speaks to us through inner wisdom and connection to the universal flow of energy. It may show up as a “strange coincidence”, a hint, a feeling, or simply a “knowing”. The more you can train yourself to notice and pay attention to guidance, the more your life will seem to flow along easily with fortunate and happy synchronicities lighting a path for you to follow.

Tapping into and listening to that wisdom is truly invaluable – not only will your life be flow along with less effort and stress, you can spare yourself a lot of suffering and life lessons learned the hard way.